August 25 Guests

Kate Asche is a poet and essayist writing in the greater Sacramento area. She is also associate director of Arts, Humanities and Writing at UC Davis Extension, where she has the job of coordinating programs such as The Tomales Bay Workshops, the Creative Writing Certificate Program and the Special Studies Program in Nonfiction Writing, and now, online creative writing courses. She received her M.A. in English and Creative Writing from UC Davis. When she is not writing or talking with writers, you can find her thinking through a new possibility at a Sacramento Poetry Center board meeting, posting new drafts to her online writing group, or chatting at Writers Who Wine.

Burgess Needle is a retired school librarian who has been writing poetry in Tucson for thirty-five years. Much of his inspiration comes from his time as a Peace Corps Volunteer, as a teacher/librarian, as a resident of what is euphemistically referred to as ‘Mid-Town’ Tucson and the headlines from magazines and newspapers. His work has appeared in The Hiss Quarterly, Blackbox Manifold (UK), Kritya (India), Black Mountain Review (UK),  Concho River Review, Red Fez, Centrifugal Eye, Raving Dove, Poetry Monthly International,  Full of Crow, Origami Condom, Thirteen Myna Birds, Autumn  Sky, Gutter Eloquence,  Iodine, Quill & Parchment, Under the Radar (UK), Brittle Star (UK), Clockwise Cat and Flutter. The recently launched Rufous City Review includes one of his poems in their premier issue. His short stories have appeared in Black Market Review (UK) and Pig In a Poke. His most recent literary criticism has appeared in Future Cycle, where he critiqued the poetry collection “Water the Moon” by Fiona Sze-Lorrain. He is currently editing a journal he kept as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand, and working on a novel.


Kate Asche is a poet and essayist writing in the greater Sacramento area. She is also associate director of Arts, Humanities and Writing at UC Davis Extension, where she has the job of coordinating programs such as The Tomales Bay Workshops, the Creative Writing Certificate Program and the Special Studies Program in Nonfiction Writing, and now, online creative writing courses. She received her M.A. in English and Creative Writing from UC Davis. When she is not writing or talking with writers, you can find her thinking through a new possibility at a Sacramento Poetry Center board meeting, posting new drafts to her online writing group, or chatting at Writers Who Wine.

BURGESS NEEDLE 5150645 520-326-8580

Burgess Needle is a retired school librarian who has been writing poetry in Tucson for thirty-five years. Much of his inspiration comes from his time as a Peace Corps Volunteer, as a teacher/librarian, as a resident of what is euphemistically referred to as ‘Mid-Town’ Tucson and the headlines from magazines and newspapers. His work has appeared in The Hiss Quarterly, Blackbox Manifold (UK), Kritya (India), Black Mountain Review (UK),  Concho River Review, Red Fez, Centrifugal Eye, Raving Dove, Poetry Monthly International,  Full of Crow, Origami Condom, Thirteen Myna Birds, Autumn  Sky, Gutter Eloquence,  Iodine, Quill & Parchment, Under the Radar (UK), Brittle Star (UK), Clockwise Cat and Flutter. The recently launched Rufous City Review includes one of his poems in their premier issue. His short stories have appeared in Black Market Review (UK) and Pig In a Poke. His most recent literary criticism has appeared in Future Cycle, where he critiqued the poetry collection “Water the Moon” by Fiona Sze-Lorrain. He is currently editing a journal he kept as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand, and working on a novel.